Our final commission will be paid upon selecting the candidate before she/he starts to work.


Long term (52+ weeks)

  • Full-Time Chauffeur/Personal Trainer/Personal Stylist – 20% of the annual salary
  • Full-Time Security Staff/Yacht, Helicopter & Jet Crew – 22% of the annual salary
  • Full-Time Family Office Staff – 25% of the annual salary
  • Full-Time Personal Assistant/Executive Assistant – 25% of the annual salary
  • Part-Time Candidate – 28% of the annual salary
  • Week-end Candiate – 28% of the annual salary

Short term (less than 52 weeks)

  • Temporary Placement (from 1 to 12 consecutive weeks) – £ 150 x day
  • Temporary Placement (from 13 to 51 consecutive weeks) – 27% of the salary

  • Trial – £ 750 x week (max. 4 consecutive weeks)

Christmas Holidays Special Fees for Temporary Placements/Trials from 20 December until 10th of January – £ 160 per day – Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve £ 500 each day – We consider worked days also the days when our candidates have to travel for the family and when they have their days off while on duty, as we cannot place them anywhere else.

Clients Registration

To find a job

For more information, please contact us

Please remember all of our returning clients qualify for a 10% discount on permanent fees on all of our services as well as on-going support after placement and a 3 months free replacement guarantee

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